Welcome to Hala's World
There are many different ways that words and photos can come together to create an attractive result to the viewers/readers. What is a “Photopoem”? when a poem and a photograph come together, it relies on the reader’s/viewer’s ability to connect them together and create a meaning from both the text and the image.
Since it also brings out a whole new form of literature and photography; photo-literature, John Fuller indicates that a poem is “constructed in words and images that has to pass muster as an alternative reality” - Michael Nott
Picture a simple image of a little girl smiling so simultaneously in a way that focuses the innocence of her eyes. What words can you bring together to create a poetic description to this image? Personally, I would simply describe the image in such a soothing way to the reader by quoting for example:
"Those stunning hazel eyes, kill me softly with every look. As I glance away, my soul happily cries, for your smile is so innocent, just like the book.” – Hala Haytham.
So really, how can words add meaning to a photograph? Initially, poetry to me is a way of communicating a message made out of hinted wordings to a specific audience. Now imagine that being done but with an extra piece of art to build creativity, a photograph. I believe adding the right words that can somewhat describe an image, may add an aesthetic background effect that gives the readers/viewers ‘goose-bumped’ and intense feelings as they link both pieces together.
In the end, I wake up every day with more and more enthusiasm to grow my passion of photography and poetry, aiming to one day inspire all the artistic minds out there to never stop dreaming big, for there is not limits to where creativity can take you. Join me as I share my photography with you from different perspectives, and explore the depth from within my words and poetry.

Media by Hala Haytham
My Photopoems

"You say it’s too late to save me, yet you don’t want to set me free. You hold on too tight, yet you say it’s no longer right. I know you can hear me, even though I’m far beyond the sea. Have you really thought this through? Is there really nothing left to do? You used to call me your one and only, yet all I know is that you’re letting me drown slowly. Please tell me how do you do, please let me through. I guess I have nothing left to do but just wonder, is it really too late to save me? Will you ever give me a clue?” - Hala Haytham.
“In another life, we would’ve been a fairy tale. Holding on to one another as the days and nights would pass by. Where are you now? Where does your soul lie? My oh my, will I ever see you again? Maybe not now, maybe not in this life. For all I know, we could’ve been ‘a happily ever after’ passing by whispers and thereafter... Those were the days, every memory made from wonderful sites. I wonder what would it take, to bring back those unforgettable nights. Maybe not now, maybe not in this life..”- Hala Haytham

"Does it hurt you knowing you are the truth behind the pain? Does it torture you knowing that it keeps getting insane? Does it tear you apart knowing that you are no longer the main? You feel it killing you deep inside but unfortunately, you just never seem to find the lock to that chain" -Hala Haytham
“Why are we strangers when our love is strong? Is it destiny that wants us to suffer?
The further I go, the closer you pull me. Yet you still blame it all on what you call “fate”. You push me away, then slowly pull me back. Please set me free, please don’t keep me trapped. Is it meant to be? Is it even worth it? Because everything you give and show me has almost become faded. I have lots of questions that I seek answers to. Some could even be delusional. But the real question is, how far can this feeling of suffer and guilt reach?” - Hala Haytham

What's My Secret?
“Sometimes you need closure, but from a totally different world.” – Hala Haytham
How do I gather together the right words to create a short story behind the images I shoot? It all really depends on the main focus of the image, how its portrayed, and what can it make one think of the second they take a quick glimpse. As for the one I shot above, the main focus here is the model’s face expression.
The reason why I chose this image is because it brings out different emotions that makes you think beyond reality and normality when you link her emotions to the background of the photograph (a clear blue sky).
I have chosen to double expose the original image with a plane in a crowd of skyscrapers to connect it with the girl’s appearance as a small ‘object’ in a wide limitless sky. When I look at this image, I feel it to be an apparent representation of my photography and how it leads me to view images differently.
Most of the time, if I don’t add poetic quotes to my images I feel like something may be missing. I do this because I believe that poetic texts can give a deeper meaning to my images, or even make the audience imagine a whole story behind them.